Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)
In Drumglass CEIAG is at the heart of the curriculum
The central aim of the school’s CEIAG programme is to help young people to acquire the skills, attitudes and abilities they will need to chart their path through life with confidence and to be effective in a variety of adult roles and spheres of life. In support of this over-riding aim, the CEIAG programme in Drumglass High School helps pupils to develop:
Knowledge and understanding of themselves and others as individuals – their strengths and limitations, personal qualities, interests, abilities, skills, potential values, motivation and needs; and to be able to consider how their attributes and ambitions relate to future lifestyles, education, training and employment opportunities.
Knowledge and understanding of the world in which they live, the major roles which people play concurrently or sequentially in various spheres of life, employment and other careers opportunities available and routes of entry available to them.
Skills and personal qualities to manage their career development, including the ability to make considered choices, formulate and implement personal career plans and cope with transition from school to adult life.
Careers Advisor Service

Rosemary Rocks, who is the Department of the Economy Careers Advisor, can be booked to discuss career pathways via Mr McConnell.