Digital Resilience
Thrive Academy came into school to deliver workshops for our pupils on developing their digital resilience. These workshops were fun and interactive giving our pupils the opportunity to engage in group activities, paired discussion and games.
The themes that were explored were knowing who you are communicating with online, being kind online, group chats, screen time and where to go for help when needed.
Help For Parents
Within these workshops pupils were discussing their screen time and some pupils are spending 6/7 hours per day looking at screens whether that is scrolling on TikTok, Snapchat or gaming, etc. A statistic I heard recently was “prison inmates spend more time outside than three-quarters of UK children”. Do you know your child’s screen time? How could you control your child’s screen time? You could use an App that switches off certain apps at a particular time, e.g. qustodio.com , Life360 or Google Family Link.
Pupils were also discussing where their phone is kept at night; some aren’t allowed their phone in the bedroom at night and others do have access to the phone at night.
Please see links below for further information should you require it.