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Maths Department



Mrs Watt (Head of Department)

Mrs Watt (Head of Department)

Mrs Smyth

Mrs Smyth

Mrs Hill

Mrs Hill

Miss Neill

Miss Neill

Mathematics is fundamental to life in the sense that its unique language and forms of notation help us to calculate, estimate and problem-solve. It also informs many of the choices and decisions we make about real-life issues and challenges and the actions that we subsequently take.


We engage students with issues which have current and future relevance to them, hence helping students to see the relevance of mathematics and financial capability to real life. This allows students to become successful learners, confident and responsible, and, effective contributors in our society today.


Key Stage 3:

All pupils have 4, 50 minute periods of Maths each week and each year group follows the same scheme of work. Pupils have various tasks and activities to complete for each topic covered.  Homeworks are set daily with pupil progress monitored through classwork, homework and end of topic assessments. 


The subject content is divided into four areas of study listed below:

  • Using and Applying Mathematics

  • Number and Algebra

  • Shape, Space and Measure

  • Data Handling


It is important that pupils acquire problem solving skills so that they can use their Maths in everyday life, we consolidate and build upon the skills acquired at Key Stage 3 to ensure that pupils are prepared for their GCSE pathway.


Key Stage 4:

Pupils will sit the GCSE examinations, one of which is at the end of Year 11 (M1-M4) and the completion paper in Year 12 (M5-M8).  All pupils are stretched to fully achieve their true potential with many students achieving top grades.  There are many revision tools implemented to ensure students reach their maximum eg Corbett maths videos and revision questions.



If we can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact Mrs L Watt.


Pupils achieving A Grade GCSE in their module at the end of Year 11.  Super achievement!

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