Online Safety Advice for Parents
Below you will find information and useful links relating to E-Safety as well as some tips to help you keep up to date with the digital era.
Follow these tips for greater social media privacy:
Facebook – remove unwanted tags from multiple photos
Go to your activity log
Click ‘Photos’ in the left column
Select the photos from which you’d like to remove a tag; click ‘Report/remove tags’
Click ‘Untag photos’
Removed tags will no long appear on the post or photo will still be visable to the audience it’s shared with.
Twitter – Protect tweets so that only your followers can see them
Go to your account’s ‘Secruity and privacy’ settings
Scroll down to the ‘Tweet privacy’ section and check the box next to ‘Protect my tweets’
Click the blue ‘Save’ button at the bottom of the page. You will be prompted to enter your password to confirm the changes.
Instagram – Set photos to private so only your followers can see them
iOS - Privacy settings
Tap ‘Edit your profile’ next to your profile picture
Turn on the ‘Posts are private’ setting and then tap ‘Done’
If you have an android phone, tap the check mark instead to save your changes.
TikTok - A guide for parents and guardians
Please click the following link for an in depth guide on what TikTok is, what risks it poses and safety measures you can take.
Social Networks - Do's and Don'ts
Only establish and maintain connections with peiple you know and trust. Review your connections often.
Assume that ANYONE can see any information about your activities, personal life, or professional life that you post and share.
Ensure that your family takes similar precautions with their accounts; their privacy and sharing settings can expose your personal data.
Avoid posting or tagging images of you or your family that clearly show your face. Select pictures tajen at a distance, at an angle, or otherwise concealed. Never post Smartphone photos and don't use your face as a profile photo, instead, use cartoons or avatars.
Use secure browser settings when possible and monitor your browsing history to ensure that you recognise all access points.
Useful Links
(Advice on how to report abuse)

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