Business Studies

GCSE Business Studies encourages students to investigate how businesses start up. They explore the resources, marketing and finance that businesses need and the challenges they face. They also examine how businesses grow and the role of stakeholders: groups that have an interest in a business. They understand the role of human resources, the recruitment and selection process, and the value of employee training and motivation.
Other important topics are the role of social enterprise, e-business and m-business. Students discover how businesses can use electronic and mobile technology in different ways. They also learn to apply skills such as decision making, proposing business strategies or solutions, understanding other viewpoints and justifying decisions.
Students will study three units:
Unit 1: Starting a Business
Unit 2: Developing a Business
Unit 3: Planning a Business.
Methods of Assessment
Unit 1: External written exam (1 hour 30 minutes) 40%
Unit 2: External written exam (1 hour 30 minutes) 40%
Unit 3: Controlled Assessment (Booklet A = 12 Hours Research. Booklet B = 1 Hour exam) 20%
GCSE Enterprise Club