School Uniform
School Uniform is compulsory for all pupils.

Applications for Free School Meals/School Uniform/Physical Education Clothing Allowance can be made online. All parents and guardians, including new applicants will need to apply online. You STILL need to apply if you have done so in previous years
Please visit https://www.eani.org.uk/.../free-school-meals-uniform-grants to apply. You will also find more information about the process at this link.
We also have a dedicated helpdesk if you have any queries or difficulties accessing the online application. The helpdesk can be contacted on 02890 418044 from 9am to 430 or you can email mealsanduniform@eani.org.uk
Girls and Boys
Jewellery other than a plain signet ring and wristwatch must not be worn. Necklaces, pendants and earrings/studs are forbidden for safety reasons. When jewellery must be removed for PE, the school cannot be held responsible for its safety. Tattoos and Body Piercings are NOT allowed. Only badges issued by the school may be worn on blazer lapels and sweaters.
Hairstyles - Long hair must be tied back for Design & Technology, Home Economics and PE. Extreme hairstyles including colouring of hair or what would be considered as outrageous hairstyles are NOT allowed.
Makeup and nail polish are not to be worn in school.
PE equipment

Uniform and PE Kit suppliers:
For PE kit (check Facebook page for details of when the link is open)
For school uniform please see below for supplier:
Tux and Tails - 5 Northland Place, Dungannon, Co. Tyrone, BT71 6AN.
Please ensure all items of clothing are labelled with your child’s name.
Pupils are responsible for their own belongings.
School cannot accept liability for lost or damaged belongings.
PE equipment for Boys and Girls
Only roll-on deodorant is permitted as some pupils suffer from asthma.
Long hair must be tied back.
Shin pads are required for Hockey.
Mouth guard and football boots required for Football.
Uniform and PE Kit suppliers:
PE Kit must be purchased from MFC website that will open on various occasions throughout the year. Please check out the school Facebook page for when the site is open.
Please refer to the size guides for each item.
Pupils will not be permitted to wear any other sports wear other than the school kit.