Most young people will eventually become vehicle owners. It is important, therefore, that they develop responsible attitudes before they become road users. Behaving responsibly on the road is one of the most significant ways of helping to reduce the number of road traffic causalities on our roads.
The CCEA Motor Vehicle and Road User Studies GCSE aims to encourage students to:
develop an interest in and appreciation of the motor vehicle
develop an understanding of the legal liabilities of being a road user
develop a knowledge and understanding of the responsibilities of vehicle ownership
develop a positive and understanding attitude to the use of the road and to other road users
develop an awareness of the interaction of the road user, the environment and the vehicle
develop a respect for the safety of road users
learn to act decisively and positively at the scene of an accident
acquire the knowledge and skills needed for the use of a powered vehicle
develop an understanding of the mathematical, scientific and technological principles of motor vehicles
develop a knowledge and understanding of routine vehicle maintenance
acquire a range of manipulative and communicative skills appropriate to the subject.
Key Features of the subject are as follows:
this is now a unitised specification.
it has applied status, with 50% controlled assessment and 50% external examination components.
it involves a practical riding activity and an investigative study.
The course offers opportunities to build on the skills and capabilities developed through the delivery of the Key Stage 3 curriculum in Northern Ireland.
there is one tier of entry appropriate for the full range of GCSE students aiming to achieve grades A*-G.
it gives students the opportunity to progress from the road safety aspect of the Northern Ireland Key Stage 3 Personal Development curriculum.