Child Development
Are you interested in work with children and young people? Are you considering a career in Health or Social Care? Do you enjoy the challenge of caring for young children? Do you want to develop valuable life skills and knowledge? If so, Child Development is an important choice for you!
Course Content:
The study of children up to the age of 5 years old.
The responsibilities of being a parent, and the overall needs of young children.
An understanding of the role of health care professionals.
The importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Nursery School visits.
Practical Demonstrations and class activities.
Individual child study.
Visiting speakers.

These are some of the professions in which Child Development will help you.
Teaching Social Workers
Registered Child minder Registered childcare worker
Crèche Attendant Midwife/Obstetric Nurse
Healthcare Assistant Classroom Assistant
Welfare Worker Youth Worker Community Worker
These professions are open to all, so this subject is an important option choice for any student considering employment in the Health and Social sector.