GCSE Exams Information
Exam dates and times are set by the exam boards and cannot be changed. We also advise that holidays are not booked during term time as exam boards have the ability to change exam dates and times if the need arises.
Information for Candidates
Check Exams Noticeboard in the Foyer to find out the exam room you will be in and where you will be seated. You have an allocated seat.
Be waiting outside exam room a full 10 mins before the exam is due to start. The Exams Invigilator needs 10 mins to go through the rules of the exam. DO NOT be late for an exam!
You are allowed to have 250ml sports cap bottle of water with label removed.
Only clear, see-through pencil cases are allowed in the exam room.
List of equipment you should have with you:-
2 black pens
1 red pen
2 pencils (HB/2B)
1 eraser
1 ruler
calculator (case not allowed in Exam Room)
Other Maths equipment – protractor, pair of
It is your responsibility to have all the equipment required for your exam! Borrowing is not permitted!

The link below gives access to the CCEA website where you can find the exam timetables. Modular exams are available in November, February and May/June. Please look for the Final timetable versions.
Pupils must be available on the Contingency Day in June.

Mobile phones/iPODs/MP3/4 players/earbuds etc. are not to be in your possession during an exam so hand them in when requested and without delay.
No products with an electronic communication/ storage device or digital facility are permitted in the exam room.
If you try to cheat, or break the rules in any way, you could be disqualified from all your subjects.
Leave schoolbags in Senior Bays; they are not to be taken into the exam room.
You must not have notes (unauthorised material) about the exam in your pockets.
If you are late for an exam you may not be allowed to enter the exam room.
No food items or chewing gum are allowed in the exam room.
Wristwatches are not to be worn in the exam room.
Gel nails are not permitted.